Sponsored by local creative and digital businesses, Better Brand Agency and Ithica Films, the black tie event was attended by over 400 people, raising more than £17,000 to support the continuation of the High Tide Foundation’s activities and opportunities.
The evening began with a welcome from host, TV presenter and journalist Kim Inglis, followed by a talk from High Tide Chairman, David Robinson, covering the Foundation’s work and impact on young people in Teesside. Sandra Pickering from Clipper Logistics followed, speaking about the benefits businesses receive as High Tide Industry Members.
We also heard from guest speaker, former British record holding long jumper, Chris Tomlinson, who discussed sporting achievements and inspiring young people.
Entertainment was provided by Middlesbrough singer Jamie Tinkler, who reached the semi-finals of Pop Idol and later released three top 30 singles with boy/girl duo ‘Pop!’ Also performing was North East band Storm, who returned after their lively and exciting performance last year.
Massive thanks to Cal Carey who kindly gave up his time and photography skills to cover the night. You can see the full gallery on our Facebook page.
We’d like to thank everyone who came along on the night, and to all our members and partners who’ve supported us throughout the past year. A fantastic night was had by all, raising a significant amount for the charity, while paving the way for other such events in the future.
If you’d like to be involved or want to know more about the High Tide Foundation and the great work we do within the community, get in touch on info@hightidefoundation.co.uk.