The Foundation provide excellent work experience and industry-led skills programmes to improve learning and employment opportunities in the region. Using the River Tees as a connecting theme, we strive to bring together industry and education to increase awareness of port-related industries.

As part of the charity’s enriching experiences for young aspirational individuals in the area, we are taking a group of nine disabled and disadvantaged students from KTS Academy and Freebrough Academy in Brotton on a six day voyage aboard a Tall Ships vessel. The trip will take place during the upcoming half-term school holiday and will depart from Southampton where they will spend seven nights on board.
Shipwrights, whom has safeguarded the quality of shipbuilding for over 700 years and continue to donate annually to various maritime related companies, has generously sponsored a substantial amount towards the cost. To match this wonderful donation, the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers has gifted the same amount through their Education Trust Fund, as well as the ICA raising a large sum at their annual dinner in 2014. Not only this, but former President of the ICS, Eric Shawyer also lovingly showed his support by making a personal donation after hearing about the expedition.
Coordinator of the Foundation, Lauren Bywater said of the voyage: “The students are absolutely over the moon and cannot wait to embark on this adventure. We are lucky to have such incredible affiliations with prestigious companies such as Shipwrights and the ICS. With their help, we have been fortunate enough to make a lot of children happy and provide them with special experiences that they may not otherwise be able to afford themselves.”
On top of this, we will also be providing a further 21 students with a venture onboard an Ocean Youth Trust vessel across two different voyages over three days and two nights. The first voyage will be setting sail from Middlehaven Quay on Sunday 24th May and return on Tuesday to meet the next group who will leave and return on Thursday 28th.
The Ocean Youth Trust is a charity which uses ‘Adventure Under Sail’ as a personal development opportunity for young people aged 12-25, taking them to sea in their 72ft yacht, John Laing. They currently sail with around 450 young people each year, two thirds of which are disadvantaged or vulnerable in some way. During a similar trip run by High Tide and OYT, 10 students aged 14-15 will take turns undertaking daily duties which will ultimately encourage them to interact with one another and become a lot more independent.
“Students will learn about the various elements of the ship, including how to launch the sails and navigate the vessel. They will also partake in activities such as fishing from the back of the boat. Anything that they catch will then be barbecued for dinner that evening, which is something completely different from their usual everyday lives.
“I am overwhelmed with how much support we have received towards making these experiences happen for the young people. I can’t wait to hear their stories once they return from the weekend. Events like these are so valuable to these students and we are already seeing amazing changes in them, which is very rewarding”, Lauren added.
For more information on the outstanding charity work we do within the community, feel free to browse our website, or alternatively, contact us on