Tell us about your company…
PD Ports is on one of the UK’s leading ports and logistics businesses, headquartered in the North East but with operations throughout the UK, including on the Humber and at Felixstowe. PD Ports employs over 1,300 people, around half of which are based on Teesside.

On Teesside, PD Ports owns and operates the ports of Teesport and Hartlepool, which collectively handle 40 million tonnes of cargo each year and support around 3,000 – 4,000 jobs in the wider supply chain across the region. Teesport is positioned as the Northern Gateway for shippers serving Northern UK markets.
How did you find out about the High Tide Foundation and how long have you been involved?
We are co-founders of the High Tide Foundation.
What was your reason for becoming a member of the High Tide Foundation?
To help inspire young people into maritime related industries on Teesside, raising their motivation levels and self-esteem as well as supporting their development to learn vital life skills and a strong work ethic. The aim was deliver this in a structured framework providing measurable, long-term results for all. The High Tide Foundation was one of the first of its kind in that it is a true private sector collaboration which has seen businesses come together to improve the future of young people.
What support have you provided to the High Tide Foundation?
Since the Foundation was established, more than 50 PD Ports employees have engaged at some level with High Tide from 15 different departments. Support has included the initial setting up of the Foundation with support in terms of structuring programmes and raising the profile through marketing and PR support. Employees have played a significant part in the role out of programmes including port tours, presentations, compiling award submissions and leading on the organisation of the Foundation’s first fundraising Ball in 2015.

What have you gained from your involvement in High Tide Foundation?
We see High Tide as integral to our connection with young people across the region where we can make a positive contribution to their learning and life experiences whilst raising awareness of the maritime industry. Our engaged employees have gained a huge sense of personal satisfaction by helping to deliver engaging and inspiring work experiences for the young people on our door step. There is a real sense of determination to help young people build their confidence, have their eyes opened to opportunities on their doorsteps and ultimately believe in a bright and prosperous future.
What are your plans for your involvement in High Tide in the future?
To continue with our close working relationship to develop out more programmes and upscale the efforts of High Tide making it the leading charity supporting the career development of young people on Teesside.
Are you a business on Teesside like PD Ports looking to give back to the community by offering a work experience placement or apprenticeship? Do you think you could help us provide knowledge of your industry by offering your assistance through our many programmes? If you are interested in becoming a member of the High Tide Foundation, then please do get in touch.
Contact our Membership Coordinator, Kim Upex on 07710713314 or email