Kevin is Co-Founder of the High Tide Foundation in Teesside in the North East of England, an organisation for which he served six years as Chairman. High Tide is an independent organisation, funded by business within the community. Linking industry with education, it provides school children with valuable experience of work with a focus on local industry, maritime and shipping roles.

Kevin received a letter of congratulations from MP, Chancellor and now Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak for the well-deserved recognition of Kevin’s work in co-founding High Tide and being awarded an MBE. Rishi Sunak also stated ‘I think it is most laudable that an organisation like High Tide is encouraging young Teessiders to consider a wide range of career options, not just in this industry but also in many other business sectors in the Tees Valley’
Kevin Shakesheff is also the president of The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and in their January news post, when asked about the award, Kevin had this to say,
“It is a tremendous honour to receive this recognition, which comes at a milestone moment in my career, marking 50 years of my involvement with the ICS. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to the many colleagues at ICS, High Tide and Casper Shipping with whom I’ve had the pleasure of working over the years. A huge thank you also to my family for all the support and encouragement they continue to provide.” Kevin Shakesheff FICS – President, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers.