15th, December 2014

High Tide Foundation celebrates two successful schemes in one night

Two High Tide Foundation schemes wrapped up this week with a celebration event on Teesside. Students that completed the Cadetship and a trip to the Port of Rotterdam gathered at Queen’s Square in Middlesbrough to take part in a graduation ceremony.

Events, Programmes

The High Tide Cadetship is after-school programme that was designed to introduce young people to the world of work around the port, and ran over 8 consecutive weeks. During the course, the Cadets visited a variety of different sites around Teesport, including Casper Shipping’s offices in Middlesbrough, Asda’s Teesport Distribution Centre and David Fox Transport in Grangetown, as well as the port’s Conservancy Department and Tees Dock itself.

This is the second cohort of youngsters to complete the Cadetship this year. In addition to celebrating the completion of the Cadetship, the event recognised a group of eleven students from schools across Teesside had the chance to spend two days in Rotterdam. They got to see first-hand how one of the busiest ports in the world operates, as well as gaining an understanding of the many varied roles available in the maritime industry as a whole.

High Tide Foundation - Graduation December 2014

High Tide’s chairman, Kevin Shakesheff, commented on the evening: “It was brilliant to see so many supporters of the Foundation together celebrating the achievements of these students. We are so proud of how far we’ve come this year and we hope that next year we can progress further and provide more for the young people on Teesside.”

During the event, the students had a chance to speak about what they took away from their experience and how it will influence them going forward. They were each presented with a certificate to show their participation by the individuals from the member companies who helped to put these schemes together.

A parent of one of the participants that went to Rotterdam said: “I was so pleased that he enjoyed the trip and I hope that visits like this take place again for other students as it is great experience for them as it was for Louis. Louis learnt a lot from the visit and now wants a career in the steel work industry.”

High Tide Foundation - Graduation December 2014


Students supported since 2012
with life-changing industry-led work experience programmes and enrichment events


Hours of engagement with employers
connecting students directly with people in various job roles for real-life career experiences


Business members involved
from a range of sectors who co-designed and delivered our industry-led career programmes

"“This has been so educational, not only for the students but also the teachers; I had no idea of what really went on down here. This is great knowledge that I can take back with me and share with the other colleagues and students.”"

Teacher, Middlesbrough

""It was very informative and was definitely worth every minute. The speakers and staff were very kind and helped us all build a better understanding of the world of engineering. This was an insight I doubt I could have gotten anywhere else.""

Year 7 Student, Redcar

"“I am grateful for the help and life changing experience High Tide have gave me and believe that I wouldn’t have got this chance anywhere else. I believe that without high tide I would have never received or had an opportunity to gain valuable experience and knowledge”"

Year 6 Student, Middlesbrough

"“My experience with High Tide provided me with amazing opportunities and allowed me to meet very influential people who have helped me to gain confidence as well as skills I will take with me for the rest of my life.""

Year 6 Student, Middlesbrough

"Start to finish there was loads of enthusiasm from the employees and the students! Really fun to be a part of this!"

Age 17, 5-day VWEX (Engineering)

"I enjoyed the work experience, I learnt new skills on how to write my CV and what employers look for."

Age 13, Discovery day (Employability)

Our Corporate Partners

Casper Shipping
Jacksons Law Firm
PD Ports