We’re pleased to announce that Elite Consult has joined us as a corporate partner of High Tide Foundation!
At High Tide Foundation, we’re proud to partner with a company that shares our values of growth and supporting the local community. Elite Consult’s commitment to helping businesses thrive aligns perfectly with our mission to shape brighter futures for young people in the region.

ELITE are an award winning, niche hiring business wholly focused on the global shipping trade. The team proudly offer their clients national coverage for their shore-based hiring projects; are an MCA approved recruitment & placement agency of seafarers worldwide, and also handle Senior Leadership roles globally.
The Elite team have provided years of support to the young people at High Tide throuigh delivering exciting workshops, providing work placements and educating the young people on valuable employability skills.
If you’d like to find out more about our corporate partners, please contact lauren@hightidefoundation.co.uk