Our in-school activities are designed to enable business members into schools to work with younger people in order to offer real-life advice and guidance in a number of different businesses across a range of sectors including law, finance, creative, digital, engineering, automotive and maritime.
Age: Y9-Y13
Length: Varied
Number of Students: 1 Class – 1 Year Group
Sectors covered: Law, Finance, Creative, Digital, Engineering, Automotive and Maritime
Delivered by: A range of industry members from sectors above
Applications are now open. Complete our online application form to apply

Available Activities
Career Market: Through the knowledge the foundation has working with education it is understood how time-consuming planning a Career Day is for staff. Why not outsource this to High Tide who will take some details regarding your specifications and plan a fantastic career day using the membership group.
Fulfils Gatsby Benchmark: 2, 3, 5, 7
Group Size = 1 year group
Cost = £400
Lesson Take Over: It is important that students can link what they are learning in lesson with relevant careers and how this knowledge is put into practise. High Tide has a number of businesses that can clearly demonstrate this to the students such as an oil and gas manager teaching the fire triangle to science students.
Fulfils Gatsby Benchmark: 2, 4, 5
Group size: 1 class (30 students)
Cost: £300
University V Apprenticeship Workshop: Many young people now feel it is a hard decision choosing between an apprenticeship or university. This workshop is designed to provide the Pro’s and Con’s from each side. High Tide will provide an apprentice and university student to attend this informal workshop and provide more information regarding these choices.
Fulfils Gatsby Benchmark: 2, 3, 5, 7
Group Size:1 class (30 students)
Cost: £200
Extra Curriculum Workshop – When it comes to employability skills, young people can gain a lot from taking part in extra curriculum activities however this is difficult for them to make this connection. High Tide will provide a range of representatives from different activities to discuss how these skills will help with future career opportunities.
Fulfils Gatsby Benchmark: 2, 5
Group size: 1 class (30 students)
Cost: £200
Complete our online application form to apply for our 2019 programme or please get in touch with the High Tide team on 01642 233 597, drop us an email at info@hightidefoundation.co.uk.
NOTE: Applications for 2019 are open now!
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