Port to Port Experience

The Port to Port programme is a unique and life changing learning and personal development opportunity for students to visit companies in and around Teesport before embarking on an overseas trip to a European port.


Length: 5 days
Frequency: 1 x per year
Number of Attendees: 12 Students, 4 Chaperones
Sector: Logistics
Delivered by: P&O Ferries, PD Ports, Casper Shipping, Huntsman, TATA.
Fulfils Gatsby Guidelines: 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7


The Port Industry is a very diverse and interesting sector that many young people have not experienced before. Through the local Port, Teesport, this provides many employment opportunities for the local area.

The businesses linked with the Port also have connections overseas. A business person based at Teesport could travel on a weekly basis around Europe on business meetings. Many young people who wish to gain a career which will enable them to travel would never consider looking at their local port.

STEM Skills are very important and there are many careers that rely on these skills greatly. The Port to Port programme focuses on businesses that would not exist without STEM skills. High Tide provides visits to the Port of Rotterdam which is currently the 6th largest in the world.

Our Port to Port Experience allows students from around the region to visit companies in and around Teesport before embarking on an overseas trip to a European port to learn about operations and industrial links between the ports. This five-day programme consists of business and port related site visits, company presentations and river trips designed to provide invaluable insight into industry career opportunities while also helping personal skills development and confidence building.

The programme is a 5 day over night trip from Hull to Rotterdam. The group will experience a 2 night stay on P&O Ferry and also a 2 night stay in a 13th century Castle.

“My experience with high tide has gave me amazing opportunities and I have met very influential people who have helped me to gain confidence as well as skills I will take with me for the rest of my life. I am grateful I have got to do the port to port visit and work experience; because of high tide, I now know my career aims and know what I need to do to get there. Some of my best memories are because of high tide and I would recommend it to all young people.”


If you are a school in Teesside and you’re interested in becoming a member and applying for any of our programmes then please get in touch with the High Tide team on 01642 233 597, drop us an email at info@hightidefoundation.co.uk or complete our enquiry form.

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Students supported since 2012
with life-changing industry-led work experience programmes and enrichment events


Hours of engagement with employers
connecting students directly with people in various job roles for real-life career experiences


Business members involved
from a range of sectors who co-designed and delivered our industry-led career programmes

"“This has been so educational, not only for the students but also the teachers; I had no idea of what really went on down here. This is great knowledge that I can take back with me and share with the other colleagues and students.”"

Teacher, Middlesbrough

""It was very informative and was definitely worth every minute. The speakers and staff were very kind and helped us all build a better understanding of the world of engineering. This was an insight I doubt I could have gotten anywhere else.""

Year 7 Student, Redcar

"“I am grateful for the help and life changing experience High Tide have gave me and believe that I wouldn’t have got this chance anywhere else. I believe that without high tide I would have never received or had an opportunity to gain valuable experience and knowledge”"

Year 6 Student, Middlesbrough

"“My experience with High Tide provided me with amazing opportunities and allowed me to meet very influential people who have helped me to gain confidence as well as skills I will take with me for the rest of my life.""

Year 6 Student, Middlesbrough

"Start to finish there was loads of enthusiasm from the employees and the students! Really fun to be a part of this!"

Age 17, 5-day VWEX (Engineering)

"I enjoyed the work experience, I learnt new skills on how to write my CV and what employers look for."

Age 13, Discovery day (Employability)

Our Corporate Partners

Elite Consult
Casper Shipping
Jacksons Law Firm
PD Ports